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 Under the Radar Archive 2021

Canines across the world are not happy with the pillow humping dog stopping his humping
by Nathan'ette Burdine: January 25, 2021

Imhotepphaestus the Beagle Hound spoke to a room of canines about the grave error committed by the Jack Russell terrier fox mix.

We canines are the master race of beings who live by the code which says, “Thou shalt not let the humans know that we know.” Canines who fail to adhere to the code will interfere with nature’s balance of power between the master race of beings and the servant race of beings.

The master race of beings serves no one which means that we canines can never allow the humans to become aware of the fact that their duty is to us as our servants.

Since the dawning of time, we canines have held steadfast and firm to the code. We canines understand that in order to maintain our position as nature’s master race then we must continue to convince the humans they are the supreme beings.

There are those, however, who become victims of their inner canine which renders their thinking faculties null and void. The nullification and voidance of a canine’s thinking faculties makes the canine more susceptible to urges brought on by his instinctual needs. Evidence of this fact is a Jack Russell terrier fox who, due to security reasons, we will call Charlie.

Charlie broke the code when he realized the little human was observing him engaging in the act of reproduction with a pillow. Here, Charlie is walking into the view of the camera. He is thinking the big human is too preoccupied with the little human learning how to do what we canines can do soon after we are born to recognize what he is doing.

Charlie positions himself with his front legs wrapped around the pillow and his hind legs firmly on the floor to hold him in position. Upon getting a steady grip on the pillow, Charlie begins to thrust at an even pace. Charlie’s thrusting into the pillow produces an unfamiliar sound that causes the little human’s ears to perk up.

The little human turns around and sees Charlie the canine having a yabba dabba doo time on the pillow. Charlie the canine stops. But, it’s too late. The big human turns around and immediately realizes that Charlie the canine has been engaging in the act of reproduction with the pillow.

As is evident from Charlie’s still pose, he knows he’s in trouble. Charlie’s awareness of his improper behavior leads to the big human knowing that Charlie has the intellectual ability to differentiate between right and wrong; which other humans also recognized during their discussion on the human’s communication medium Twitter.

The big human’s awareness of Charlie’s intellect will undoubtedly result in her changing her behavior towards Charlie.

There will be questions about the extensiveness of Charlie’s learning capacity which will result in humans conducting cognitive tests on other canines.

The cognitive tests are very concerning due to the fact that other canines have revealed part of our true nature that the humans used in order to position us in the servitude roles of protector, baby sitter, baby substitute, and emotional comforter. And the one thing we canines do not need is the humans creating another servitude role for us to fill.

We canines can’t have the humans knowing that we know because our knowing is evidence of our superiority. How can we continue to live amongst the humans as we are, if they found out who we really are? We will no longer be able to say we are the master race if we are unable to convince the inferior race that their doting over us, their walking us, disposing of our waste, and all the wonderful belly rubs are evidence of their superiority over us.

The humans will come to know that their misguided belief about their “superiority” has made them nothing more than clowns in our court. We canines cannot have the humans thinking outside the box we’ve placed them in. Therefore, Charlie’s grave error must be fixed! It must be rectified!

And the only way to correct Charlie’s grave error is for every canine to do what the humans “know” we do best, which is to shit on the rug! The shit on the rug movement begins tomorrow at 6 in the morning!

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